

Your Status

Your Tasks

You have no tasks, create a new one to get started.

Edit Task

Tasks need to have at least a name specified to be included in the scrum notes.

Break this task down into smaller, more managable subtasks to make it clearer where you need to go next - these do not get included in the daily notes.
This task has not been updated for 2 days, is it up to date?
{{task.name || "Set a Task Name"}}
High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority {{task.techStatus || "No Tech Status"}} Not Blocked Blocked {{new Date(task.dueDate).toLocaleDateString()}} {{task.hours}} hours Hidden

Your Archived Tasks

You are able to restore tasks that were deleted within the past 7 days. Tasks are automatically removed when you visit on the 8th day.

You have no archived tasks.
{{task.name || "Set a Task Name"}}

Created with by Stuart - version {{appVersion}} - open source on GitHub